About Us
Sagitter was born in the early 90s from the inventiveness of Clay Paky, co-founder of another well-known Italian lighting brand. Since the early years the brand stands out for its successful production: in 1993 the first moving mirror motorized projector was launched on the market. Later Sagitter replicates the success by evolving the first-born product towards the first electronic Follow spot: a new concept of projector that – for the first time on the market – allows the operator to remotely control all the main functions such as colors, iris and dimmers. Thus was born Tracer, the flagship of the Italian brand, the line that will later give rise to Super Tracer, still a successful product and widely imitated all over the world.
Over time Sagitter also stands out for being one of the first brands to land on the Chinese market, where it still enjoys wide visibility today. Then follows the diffusion in Central and South America and in the rest of the world.
2009 was decisive because in that year the Proel group acquired the brand, thus implementing its development lines to establish itself in the professional lighting sector as well In the same year a new R&D department is opened. Objective: to push on innovation and design to place Sagitter among the leaders in the world of lighting.
From 2011 to 2014, thanks to Proel’s in-depth knowledge of the Chinese production fabric, the management made the decision to carry out some of the projects in the new R&D office in China. . Thus was born Arrow, the first line of the brand of motorized projectors and to follow unique products such as Mantis, HD Beam and PictoLed. It is the latter two that strengthen the brand’s foundations in a market now crowded with fierce competitors.
In 2015, the company decided to end the production of Proel-branded lighting products to concentrate all its forces on the creation of a new brand dedicated to the MI market: the SDJ brand. In fact, the will is to satisfy the needs not only of the professional user but also of the occasional one.
A strategy – that of listening to the needs of professional and occasional users – still relevant today; a strategy that allows Sagitter and SDJ to advance, year after year, in each other’s reference markets.
On Proel’s acquisition of Sagitter, they wrote:
“With the acquisition of the well-known Sagitter brand, the Proel Spa company becomes a point of reference in the field of professional lighting for the show. Thanks to the wide range of proposals and completely Italian inventiveness, the high quality and uniqueness of the products made make it one of the most popular Italian brands abroad “.
“This Made in Italy production matrix will allow Proel to position itself at the top of professional lighting, especially in international markets, where Sagitter is recognized as one of the leading Italian brands in the world of entertainment lighting”.
Research and Development


Each member of the Sagitter team is “market oriented”, in direct contact with the customer.
Objective: to always guarantee adequate technical or commercial support.
R&D, technical assistance, marketing and communication – together with the commercial part – are fundamental assets for Sagitter. Precisely for this reason Sagitter counts on qualified internal staff for each of these areas.
The team also expands outside the company through a network of agencies in Italy, Country Managers in Europe and international distributors. An efficient and functional network that allows Sagitter to be present all over the world in a widespread manner.

Thus was born in 2019 Proel ON&ON Theater: an enclosed space of 800 square meters, completely soundproofed and equipped with all the necessary features for the world of entertainment.
With an operating height of 7 meters, the entire area is equipped with numerous motor points that move a truss system for hanging audio and lighting equipment.
Dominating the space is a 48 square meter stage incorporated within an imposing vertically developed truss structure, on which more than 250 Sagitter fixed and motorized spotlights have been installed, used to create exciting lighting shows.
There are several PA systems permanently mounted, dedicated to listening and practical demonstration of use in the field.
The ON & ON Theater is a multifunctional center ideal for presentations, shows, concerts and meetings of all kinds.