My Quiver
My Quiver is the new online portal designed by Sagitter to provide the Quiver user with a link to services, updates and news about the console, accessible anywhere and always up-to-date

The platform provides a range of services:
– Automatic notification system
It will alert registered users about software updates, publication of new fixture files, news, etc.
– Library fixture
A special database that facilitates searching and browsing the fixture files made available to the community
– Manuals & Spare parts list
Always available and searchable in electronic format
– Software updates
Always available for download the most up-to-date releases
– Request
Ability for those who need to make immediate requests via the form provided.
For example, fixture file realizations, problem reports, etc.
Sagitter staff will respond immediately by giving maximum support
My Quiver is the new tool designed to support the growing “Quiver Community”